The UK-188L Gateway is located in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire and operates on PMR Channel 7 with CTCSS 123hz. This gateway will allow you to communicate with any other gateways connected to the system and also people connected through the Zello app and on the correct channel.
If you want to learn more about the gateway, including how to use it or setup your own, please use the links on the bottom of this page.
Zello is a free application for both Apple and Android devices, search your app store to download. If your after the free version for PC use, use the link below to get started.
To hear the gateway when out of range of the gateway you will need to add the channel:
The gateways and Zello channel crosslink are provided by Wes who runs the main server near Sheffield. Please visit his site for more info.
Thankyou Wes for your time and effort, without it these gateways would not exist.
If you fancy having a look at the gateways in action, and some random weather conditions, antennas, Rattlegram and other stupidity including PMR 446 Rick Rolls..... Have a look at Dave from Bury St Edmunds videos here : Click Here for Dave's YouTube Page!