The UK-188L Gateway is located in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire and operates on PMR Channel 7 with CTCSS 123hz. This gateway will allow you to communicate with any other gateways connected to the system and also people connected through the Zello app and on the correct channel.
If you wish to access the Gateway and connect to people across the globe you will need a PMR 446 radio setup on Channel 7 with the CTCSS set to 18 or to 123hz depending on your radio. When you speak shortly afterwards when you release the PTT key you should here a tone which confirms you have got into the gateway and other users can hear you. Always wait for the tone after people speak before you reply so that the Gateway has time to go back to receive mode.
Anyone can use a Gateway or Zello connected to them so you could end up talking to anyone, anywhere, any time of the day.
Please note that the Gateway is operational between the hours of 7:30am and 11:00pm 7 days a week, so if you try to access it out of these hours you will not hear the confirmation tone.